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Watch: I Am From Here

I Am From Here is a 30-minute film directed and produced by Bess O’Brien.

Made in 2017 and released in 2018, the film serves as one component of Vermont-NEA’s virtual toolkit, Advancing Racial Equity in Vermont’s Public Schools.

The handbook says, “It is important that anyone working with Vermont students understand the experiences of Vermonters of color as they navigate through the public education system."

This film was commissioned by Vermont-NEA for use in school systems across the state. It may be shown at staff meetings, union meetings, in-service days, community gatherings, etc. Many difficult but necessary conversations will stem from viewing this film.

Educators may use the film and discussion as a starting point to gain an awareness of where their school community is situated on a spectrum of racial equity. From there, educators may then educate themselves and others using resources and training opportunities outlined in the toolkit, and finally, a long-range plan of action may be developed.”

The Vermont-NEA Racial Justice Task Force came out with a discussion guide, which you can download here or on their website.

Watch the film here:

For more information about Bess O'Brien, visit her website.

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